twilight of souls
Plain deserted...
Resonates the tears of those who are no longer...
.Resonates the memory of a distant past ...
Where everything was possible, without limits
...Plain deserted...
Erre souls disenchant...
Of those who exist...
and who disappeared...
Plain deserted...
the time that relentless...
Carry this so good... so presumptuous past...
And leaving on places that traces that day after day to éffacent
...In this plain now deserted ...
There was once an opulent city who wanted to enter eternity...
Sheltering thousands men .. .
that all all competed for the right to éxister...
In this plain devastated ...
Madness emerged it and has everything swept away... .
Forever marking the human stupidity...
Leaving only some tears the souls which has haunted... .
In this plain now subsided .. .
the shadows to éffacent...
ancient memories weaken...
It is dusk of souls that nothing stops and the sign of a new life...
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